Best Shampoo to Use for Oily Hair and Dandruff

Best Shampoo for Oily Hair and Dandruff

What if you are sick of washing your hair again and again due to their oily nature and dandruff? Of course, you will go for multiple washing items in a week that damage hair and weaken them from their root. However, the best solution is to use a shampoo that has an impact on the hair’s health. So, keeping in view this thing, we are going to tell you about the best Shampoos for oily hair and dandruff.

What is more, these shampoos do not only remove dandruff from hair, but they also eliminate the cause of the problem to provide you with a durable solution.

#1. Neutrogena Anti-Residue Formula Shampoo:

Neutrogena Anti-Residue is an authority when it comes to the best shampoos for oily hair and dandruff. This is one of the record-breaking products across the world. The reason behind it is that it outclasses all other brands in removing dandruff from hair.

On the other hand, this shampoo provides hair with the strength that makes hair able to withstand against dust and suspended particles in the air. In short, along with removing dandruff, it also strengthens your hair.

Apart from that, you have to apply this shampoo once in a week only, and your hair will become soft, squeaky-clean, and strand.

So, if you want the best shampoo for oily hair and dandruff, there could be nothing like this shampoo.

#2. Paul Mitchell Deep Cleaning Shampoo Two:

Are you searching for the remedy of your oily hairs?

If yes, here is the shampoo you need. Paul Mitchell’s deep cleaning shampoo two brings the grease under control without letting the hair fall.

The best part is that it contains natural extracts like jojoba leaf and ginger extracts, which are essential for removing excess oil from hair. These extracts do not only remove oil from hair but also eliminates the chances of dandruff that is mostly caused by the oily hair.

Meanwhile, you need not applying this shampoo repeatedly because one wash is enough for the week. Be ready to get your hair flattered in the air with its use, and forget about falling of hair.

Besides, it is one of the best-selling shampoos for treating oily hairs and dandruff.

#3. L’ Oreal Paris Elvive Extraordinary Clay Rebalancing Shampoo:

This rebalancing clay shampoo from L’ Oreal has gained remarkable success in the market. Due to its astonishing, powerful, and efficient working against dandruff and oiliness of hair, this shampoo has an excellent fan base.

It properly treats the greasy roots of the hair and alleviates the problem of oiliness from hair. Then, the issue of dandruff gradually starts coming to zero.

Likewise, this shampoo keeps you safe from the vicious cycle of washing hair again and again, as it serves you for three days after applying to your hair. In this way, your hairs get stronger and sturdy and present an even better look.

#4. WOW, Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo:

WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo has an amazing and outstanding capability of detoxifying oily hairs. Its rapid formula action removes greasiness from the roots of the hair and allows hair to grow at their natural pace.

On the other hand, this shampoo excellently controls the pH level of hair to maintain a dandruff-free head. With every washing, you get smooth, silky, and flattered hair.

Bear in mind, do not overuse this shampoo, using it twice in a week is enough. Meanwhile, the thing that adds more value to its importance is its amazing packing.

So, get ready to get rid of oily and dandruff-full hair, as this shampoo is impregnable in such manner.

#5. Sauvé Natural Daily Clarifying Shampoo:

Sauvé Natural Daily Clarifying Shampoo instantly removes dandruff utilizing its mechanism of pH balancing. The pH balancing allows hair to remove all dandruff, as the greasiness finishes, and dandruff elimination becomes inescapable.

Similarly, with the use of two times in a week, there will remain no dandruff in hair. On the other hand, this shampoo has a soothing and pleasing smell, which is absolutely worth thankful for. Meanwhile, double use of it in one week makes your hair free from many hair based problems.

So, if you want smooth and silky hair, you must not go anywhere else, as this probably the best shampoo for oily hair and dandruff.

#6: Aveda Scalp Benefits Balancing Shampoo:

Aveda Scalp Benefits Balancing Shampoo is one of the best-renowned shampoos for oily hair and dandruff. It has an exceptional quality of removing sebum and buildup from the roots of hairs, and hence reduces the chances of dandruff and oiliness of hair.

Massage this shampoo well in your hair before taking a bath as it remains useful in this way. Its ingredients, like burdock root, sage, and Echinacea, can explicitly remove not only dandruff and oiliness, but a lot of hair growth problems also got resolved with the use of this shampoo.

#7. Klorane Shampoo with Nettle:

Klorane Shampoo is a product that lies in between the shampoo and dry shampoo. This is one of the best shampoos for oily hair and dandruff, and its application twice in a week will help you avoiding dandruff up to a huge extent.

So, if you are looking for a quick and efficient hair cleaning formula, this shampoo will be the best option.

Final Words

Hairs are an essential part of the body and contribute hugely to the beauty of a woman or man. Thus, there will rarely be a person who does not care about hair. The majority is too concerned about the health and beauty of their hair.

In the meantime, problems occur with the hairs, and people start using irrelevant and harmful products to improve their health. However, keep in mind that those products further aggravate the situation.

So, if you have a hair problem like dandruff and oiliness, there will be no better option than the shampoos we have mentioned in this article.

How to Start a Consulting Business?

How to Start a Consulting Business?

This is how the dictionary defines consultant;

“An expert in a specific field works as an advisor either to an individual or a company.”

Before we go deep in the details to find the answer to the question of how to start your own consulting business, it is mandatory to define the scope of this field.

A consultant’s job is only to provide people with consultancy, nothing less than this, and nothing more than this. It is simple enough to understand, as there are no intricate concepts that are behind the success and failure of any of the consultants.

Then, what does create the difference?

Unquestionably, there are a lot of things that create difference and make one consultant more successful than others, and the most important of them is the drive for excellence and passion. For sure, the consultant must be adept in a subject or matter for which he/she is providing people with his/her consultancy.

Mainstreaming Of Business Consultancy

Now, if we talk about the mainstreaming of the profession of Business consultancy, it appears to be the matter that came under the spotlight a few decades ago. In 1997, US businessmen spent $12 Billion for the business consultancy, but in 2016, this number had reached $58 Billion and is still growing with a laudable pace.

What Do Experts Say?

According to Anna Flowers, the spokesperson at the Association of Professional Consultants in Irvine, California, said that her team was receiving a huge number of calls aiming at collecting the information about how to start a consulting business. Anna expressed her views in the following words;

“The market is opening up for [the consulting-for-businesses] arena,”

On the other hand, answering the question of how to start consulting business, here are the remarks of Melinda P, a business consultant in Virginia,

“I think more people are now tending to adopt this business.”

What is more, she gave the credit to the rapidly evolving technologies. This is how she shared her ideas on it;

“The same technology that has helped me to be successful as a consultant has made it easier for others to do the same,”

Until now, you are well-convinced about the veracity and emerging scope of the consulting business. It’s time to delve through the essential points that must be considered before you become a consultant.

Let’s get started;

Things to Consider Before Starting Your Consulting Business

How to start a consulting business?

It is the question that has brought you here. Before you start providing your services related to business consultancy, following are the prerequisites that are inevitable to follow;

#1. A Compelling Advice That Is Actually Valuable For Your Client:

One of the most important things in any of the business is to learn how to create the value. Unless you are capable enough of creating the value for your client, you wouldn’t have anything profitable in your hand. So, here is the first point of the answer to your question about how to start your own consulting business. 

To be a successful business consultant, you must need to know about two states of mind in which human beings live and want to live their lives. The life they are living in their current situation and the life they desire to live is a thing that brought them to you for consultancy. 

Now, you are responsible for bridging up this gap with a bit of compelling advice that can accelerate his/her efforts towards desired life. Your advice must have such a call of action that can arise your clients on actual action and take them to their desired life from their current life.

#2. Successful Consulting Business Attracts Potential Clients:

You must not sit in the chair in your office, waiting for the clients to come. If you do that, you are truly putting your financial future at risk. Here is the second point that comes ahead in answer to your question of how to start your own consulting business.

Once you have stepped in this field, you must not think that client would randomly come to you. You need to take proper steps to achieve this goal by targeting your potential clients through digital media and other authentic branding platforms. This is how you can implement your branding plans to target your potential clients;

Implementing actions described in the above flowchart, you will definitely have great convenience in finding your potential clients.

#3. Successful Consulting Business Targets A Particular Area:

Let us explain this with an example;

What would you do if you are suffering from fever and bad throat?

  1. Would you visit the clinic of a doctor?

  2. Would you visit the park with your friends?

Even a senseless guy can say that you need to visit the clinic of a medical consultant. Here is the third most important thing that is mandatory to make clear the answer to your question of how to start a consulting business

That park might be a great place to visit, but when you are sick, there is no chance that you visit the park. So, this is the power and potential of targeting a specific area or specific niche. Bear in mind that you can never be good at dealing with all areas of others’ problems, but once you specify your area, you will readily outclass a lot of competitors.

To be the master of one specific trade, you must ask the following questions to you, and then select the niche on which you will be providing your consultancy;

  1. What is the subject or industry you have full command of?

  2. What do people want from you?

  3. Do you consider yourself able to meeting your customers’ expectations? 

After exploring multiple niches, overlapping to these mentioned questions will be your niche. 

#4. Successful Consulting Business Never Quits Improving Themselves:

Last but not least, here is an argument that we are putting forward in answer to the question of how to start a consulting business. 

Studies reveal that only continuous improvement is the key to stay sturdy in the market against your competitors. You must have the policy of adaptability in case you come across some newer or better options. 

Call to Action

These were the four prerequisites mandatory to stay as a brand of Business Consultancy in the market. According to the experts’ opinion, the scope of this field is getting wide and prominent with every passing day. So, here comes the right time to get yourself indulged in this business.

Stock Market Crash 2020 – What Happens Next?

[UltraVid id=22 ]the question on everyone’s minds at the moment is whether this sell-off in equity is going to evolve into a much larger crisis now there’s a beautiful framework that’s been created by the economists hyman minsky and what he says is that when we have a very long period of economic expansion as we’ve just seen then it can inflate credit bubbles so we’ll look at an example of a potential credit bubble in developed markets but also one in emerging markets and if you do want to keep abreast of whether this is evolving into a crisis what better way could there be than our free weekly market round up there’ll be a link to that at the top of this page so now let’s look at that in a bit more detail this is not a recommendation if you want advice tailored to your specific circumstances seek independent financial advice the initial short-term reaction to the coronavirus has been a sell-off in risky assets and by risky I’m referring to equity funds but also real estate investment trusts and other risky assets such as Bitcoin where our safe haven assets such as gold and here I’ve got the iShares gold tracker in the US have actually risen and the longer duration government bonds such as those in the US long duration Treasury ETF TLT have risen considerably as yields of fallen you can see that split between safe havens and risky assets more clearly if we look at a selection of Vanguard funds in this case denominated in Sterling the funds which have performed best are those which have government bonds inside them in the euro zone in the US but also in the UK and as the equity assets which had performed worst so if we look at the live strategy funds life strategy 20 which only contains 20% equity has only lost 0.6 percent since markets were at their peak on February the 19th and as we dial up the amount of equities have 40% 60% 80% and a hundred percent you can see that the losses mount up to over 9% for life strategy 100 which is just a globally diversified equity fund if we look at indices rather than funds you can see that gold has rallied by 1.6 percent say that peak for equity markets in mid-february and the epicenter of the outbreak in China has actually started to rally because it does look like the virus has been contained in China as it spreads through the rest of the world whereas commodities like oil which are very sensitive to global growth have lost a lot of their value as have countries which depend largely on oil exports such as Russia now the Falls we’ve seen so far are far from making equity cheap if we look at the forward price to earnings ratio for the S&P 500 that certainly fallen a lot but currently that just brought it into fair value compared to the last five years and if we look at a more representative ten-year period we’re still considerably overvalued compared to forecast earnings for 2020 now those earnings forecasts have not factored in the effect of coronavirus if those do get revised downwards then effectively that would lower the safety net for valuation of the S&P 500 and that would fundamentally justify a larger fall in prices but we’re not going to find out about that until we wait for the next earnings season and they only happen quarterly so to get real clarification on earnings growth in the US we’re going to have to wait three to six months and that six-month period is going to be critical for determining what happens to prices over the medium term hyman minsky came up with this framework to think about cycles in the credit market but we can apply it more generally to other markets such as the equity market he said that these cycles happen in five stages he called the first stage displacement there are many forms of displacement which he considered it could be the development of a new technology such as the railways or it could be the outbreak of war the transition from fossil fuels to electric vehicles or the development of the internet following one of these displacements what you typically see as a boom the mosaic browser was introduced in 1993 and that gradually developed a whole new infrastructure and although wasn’t wholly responsible for the rally that followed it certainly became more important for equity growth as the decade of the 90s wore on the next stage is called euphoria during this period we saw many Oh’s or initial public offerings for companies that were simply burning cash but which still managed to come up with huge valuations so for example the company Priceline floated in 1999 and practically overnight it got a valuation of almost 10 billion dollars and people were saying crazy things like valuations don’t matter at a certain point people start taking profits in other words selling at these very inflated prices in 2000 Barron’s published an article called burning up which warned that Internet companies were running out of cash fast following the profit-taking stage we get a stage of panic and in the u.s. this might have been triggered in 2001 when there was a recession from March to November and then the next cycle started another useful framework which Minsky came up with is called the financial instability hypothesis Minsky says that capital can be raised using three different types of unit the safest is called a hedge financing unit these structures are mostly funded by equity in other words they depend very little on borrowed cash and they can satisfy all of their payment obligations in terms of interest and principal repayments with the cash flows generated by the business a slightly riskier form of financing unit is called speculative finance the cash flows of the business can fulfill all the income obligations but they can’t repay the principal this means that an entity has to continually roll over their existing debt to repay their maturing debt which means they have a permanent state of indebtedness so for example the US government always has outstanding debt and is continually having to roll over that debt by issuing new Treasuries and many companies are in the same situation the most risky form of financing is a Ponzi unit and in this case the income cash flows can’t fulfill the income payments or the principal repayments and this is a reference to a Ponzi scheme where new investors to a business are the source of capital to pay obligations to existing investors now a world in which we just have the safest form of financing which is hedge financing leads to a stable State in other words an economy which seeks and contains an equilibrium state which is stable but if the economy is dominated by speculative and Ponzi finance then it becomes a deviation amplifying system in other words an unstable system that leads to bubbles and crashes and what’s relevant to the current situation is when Minsky says that if we have a protracted period of good times and of course we’ve just had over a decade of US economic expansion capitalist economies move from hedge finance which is the safe form to a structure in which you get lots of speculative and Ponzi financed amounts because people are trying to get higher capital returns by buying riskier assets one example of this is the leveraged loan market in the US but also in Europe a leveraged loan is when you take a syndicate of banks which is just a group of banks that issue alone to companies which are heavily indebted and that means that they tend to pay a higher rate of interest for which there’s a great demand in a yield starved economy as we’ve had recently and leverage means that there’s lots of debt compared to a company’s assets the size of the leveraged loan market isn’t much less than a trillion US dollars and it’s been growing very rapidly furthermore the credit quality has deteriorated as time goes on the greater accompanies leveraged the greater the risk of default when interest rates start to rise or if there’s a macroeconomic shock and investor protection which is written into the documentation of these loans has deteriorated over time these protections which are called covenants show that the quality of the debt which has been issued has weakened I think leverage loans form a perfect example of what Minsky would have called a Ponzi unit one way to think about the spread of fear in one of these markets sell-offs is like the spread of disease the science of the spread of disease is called epidemiology but really what it comes down to is people talking to each other it’s illustrated in this wonderful cartoon by cow which shows how one misheard comment which contains the word Excel gradually transforms into a selling frenzy and when someone’s overheard saying goodbye it turns into a buying frenzy in his book exuberance The Economist Robert Shiller gives an example of how the SEC who is part of its market surveillance has to track communications to detect insider trading he cite an example in May 1995 when a secretary at IBM was asked to photocopy documents which referenced IBM’s takeover of Lotus Development Corporation now this was supposed to be a top secret the only person she told about this was her husband who was a paging system salesman On June the second her husband told one of his colleagues at work who 18 minutes later bought some shares based on this insider information and of course that’s illegal he also told a computer technician about this who called a whole bunch of his friends by June the fifth when the takeover was announced 25 people connected to this core group had spent half a million dollars based on this tip that included a pizza chef an electrical engineer a bank executive a dairy wholesaler a former school teacher the gynecologist an attorney and four stockbrokers and what this shows is both the power of verbal communication from our friends and colleagues but also the speed at which this information can now spread and this is the primary conduit by which fear probably spreads through markets and this is what really sets apart this epidemic from previous ones which is the prevalence of social media which can spread fear amongst investors now let’s consider what might be the longer-term impacts of markets once we’ve got over this initial fear response a book that’s always worth referring to is called this time is different which makes a science of looking at previous crises here they’ve got a whole bunch of banking crises since 1890 the common cause of these crises was things like commodity prices falling such as a drop in copper prices which caused banks to become insolvent world war 1 was also a common cause of banking crises then in 1991 and 1992 it was a real estate crash in Nordic countries but also in Japan which triggered a banking crisis in several countries due to the development of global capital markets it’s now much easier to invest international which means capital can flow very rapidly to emerging market countries but unfortunately it can also flow outwards very quickly too and this triggered the Mexican tequila crisis in the early 1990s as these capital inflows reversed and we also saw that in the Asian currency crisis and of course in 2007 and 2008 the trigger was the subprime real estate market on the basis of all those examples a variety of authors have come up with a rough model of how a banking crisis happens following a stock and real estate market crash we often see an economic slowdown which can lead to some or all of these events taking place a currency crash and emerging markets have been particularly prone to these although what characterize markets at the moment is a lack of inflation and that can lead to default on sovereign debt that’s much more likely in emerging markets than in developed markets this time around certainly for developed markets a banking crisis is much less likely because regulators have been very careful to make sure that banks are well capitalized but you never really know what’s on the balance sheets until a crisis hits there’s a great publication by COEs Nagel owned saw gay and sugawara called global waves of debt causes and consequences they point out that low interest rates which of course we’ve seen for over a decade now combined with innovations or financial market changes which promote borrowing have consistently led to waves of debt in the past now what’s unfortunate is that these waves of debt always ended with financial crises and usually with a global recession or at least a slowdown the amount would include the recessions of 1980 to 1991 and 2009 but also just downturns like in 1998 in 2001 the usual trigger for these crises was a shock and here’s a shock looking person to illustrate that and the effect of the shock is to increase investor risk aversion as people pull back from risky assets such as equity and high-yield credit and leveraged loans the cost of funding increases for those instruments you also get a sudden stop of capital inflows to emerging markets and the consequence can be a deep recession currently were in the fourth wave according to the authors which is quite similar to the previous three in some ways the first and obvious one is that we’ve had low interest rates which means that people have been searching for yield which has created that demand for Ponzi units and a narrowing of spreads in other words reducing the borrowing costs of emerging markets and this demand for local currency bonds has certainly increased borrowing by emerging market countries but it’s not just sovereign debt which is increased it’s also corporate bonds that’s companies in emerging markets borrowing in international bond markets and recently this story has been one of slowing global economic growth which increases vulnerabilities to shocks such as the corona virus the market which really stands out is China since 2010 there’s been a significant increase in bond issuance both in the domestic Chinese market and to a lesser extent in international markets but that’s also true of Brazil South Africa Russia and other emerging markets in developing economies and the amount of debt outstanding as a proportion of the economy has increased from less than 40 percent in 2007 to more than 50 percent in 2018 and the increase has been broad-based it isn’t focused in just one country and corporate debt which is when companies borrow has risen even more rapidly than sovereign debts when governments borrow the fourth wave is characterized by three differences to the previous waves the wave is larger with a twenty percentage point growth relative to GDP in a third of emerging market countries the growth has been faster as an average of 7% growth in debt to GDP per year since 2010 and it’s been broader because it affects more than 80 percent of emerging market countries so if you do hold a merging market debt as I do you’re probably growing more nervous about what the effect will be of the sudden decrease in risk appetite now governments and central banks are trying to fight back so for example the Chinese government has encouraged companies in China to issue coronavirus bonds the deal is that if you spend a proportion of the capital you raise to help try and control the virus then you can get very cheap capital the US central bank the Federal Reserve also called an emergency Fed meeting which it hasn’t done since 2008 in which it cut its interest rate by 50 basis points now normally it only cuts in point two five percent notches so this was a two notch cut in the interest rate but the effect on markets was negligible and the Fed has a lot more leeway because it had already started raising rates until the end of 2018 the Bank of England hasn’t even started to cut rates but it’s certainly thinking about it but the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank have a lot less leeway because rates there are already negative and the Bank of Japan’s balance sheet is already bigger than Japan’s GDP so starting a new program of asset purchases or quantitative easing it’s going to be much more difficult in Japan than elsewhere fortunately the US had already started to run down the size of its balance sheet and the Bank of England never really ran it up in the first place so this response is called monetary policy and it usually takes the form of setting interest rates or alternatively asset purchases in which they buy government bonds or in the case of the Bank of Japan they also buy Japanese equity exchange-traded funds President Trump has suggested that they have a payroll tax cut and what would be good about that would be that it would create a very rapid stimulus by putting money straight into people’s pockets and hopefully that would make them spend money to counteract the negative economic effects of the outbreak but there’s been some political wrangling to determine what the form of that stimulus should be the chair of the US Ways and Means Committee Richard Neal wanted more targeted funding which would accelerate vaccine development and provide health workers with the medical supplies that they need but one of the benefits of low interest rates is that governments can borrow at almost zero cost in order to fund this fiscal stimulus because when the government spends lots of money that money flows through the economy and stimulates growth but again Japan is fairly limited in terms of how much it can spend because it’s already heavily indebted as is Italy which is also heavily hit by the corona virus but in the US the UK and certainly in Germany there’s a lot more leeway for fiscal stimulus because debt to GDP ratios are much more manageable although we haven’t seen any hard data so far organizations such as the OECD have downgraded their growth forecasts for 2020 and beyond and the biggest downgrade of course has come for China the forecast for 2020 has fallen from above six percent to under five percent a mantas human that the virus is contained global growth which was already weak has also been downgraded that was assuming their base case scenario which was containment of the virus if there’s a broader contagion scenario the impacts will be much larger with almost a two percent drop in Chinese GDP with global growth 1.5 percent smaller but it was only 3% in the first place so that’s a halving of global growth so the key things to watch in the months ahead is what happens to corporate earnings because that will determine whether the impact of coronavirus is going to be large and longer-term or more of a short sharp shock to the global economy and to asset prices so that forecasts from the OECD does look quite alarming a Harvey of global growth would certainly impact equities further but the thing to remember is not to panic for most people it’s best to find an equity bond split you’re happy with and to stick with it now that’s the kind of question we often get on our Sunday evening call you can join that for just $5 a month you also get access to slack and all of our previous calls which is growing longer all the time and as always thank you for listening

What If You Don’t Exist? | Simulation Theory | Unveiled

[UltraVid id=2 ]What If You Don’t Exist? The broad question of existence is one that
human beings have pondered for thousands of years – both before and after the likes of
Plato in Ancient Greece. René Descartes once said “I think, therefore I am,” but does
that cover all the bases? Life seems real, but could it all be an illusion? This is Unveiled and today we’re answering
the extraordinary question; What if you don’t exist? Are you a fiend for facts? Are you constantly
curious? Then why not subscribe to Unveiled for more clips like this one? And ring the
bell for more fascinating content! According to Michael Nelson, writing in the
Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, the problem of existence can be thought of around
two basic questions: First, is existence the property of individuals? In other words, does
it come about because of us? If we assume that it does, then the second question asks;
are there any individuals that lack it? Most would argue that because you can feel your
body and think, as Descartes said, then you must exist in reality… but there are different
scenarios that could create you without you really existing. You could be a product of someone else’s
dream, you could be living in a simulation, or your brain could simply be fooling you
and hallucinating your reality. Cotard’s syndrome is a very rare condition but it highlights
how our ideas on “what’s real” can change. Sufferers are convinced that they or a part
of their body doesn’t actually exist, with reports of patients even insisting that their
brains aren’t really there, despite being able to walk and talk. So, if we really don’t
exist, or if you’re an individual severely questioning existence, then what is reality? When it comes down to it, the reality that
we experience is just that – it’s human experience. Our senses work together to conjure
an image of what we see, smell, touch – of what’s real. Since that’s the case, however,
we know for a fact that we aren’t ever seeing or feeling all of reality. We only see around
1% of the electromagnetic spectrum, for example. We’re blind to many different types of light
like gamma rays, x rays, radio waves and microwaves. And while the human eye is undoubtedly an
amazing biological structure, the three photoreceptors it holds (red, blue, and green) are significantly
bested by some other animals, like the mantis shrimp, which has an astounding sixteen photoreceptors
– meaning it “sees” over five times more of “reality” than we do. Similarly, we’re
also beaten by birds, many of which are able to migrate for the winter because they can
visualize earth’s magnetosphere – something else that we humans can’t do. It shows that we’re only ever capable of
seeing and experiencing what our bodies allow us to, so to some extent the human experience
really is a hallucination in that it’s always governed by what it is and isn’t possible
for us to understand. After all, at their core, every visible item is simply made up
of the same particles rearranged into different patterns. Our eyes see a chair as a chair
but, were human perception to somehow change, then perhaps we’d see the individual atoms
instead. Our inability to distinguish true reality
is arguably most evident when we dream. Often people don’t realize that they’re dreaming,
even when seemingly impossible events occur. The movie “Inception” famously played
with this concept by blurring the distinction between dreams and reality, forcing the viewer
to constantly question if a moment was actually happening or if it was only occurring in a
dream. And since we’re ultimately unable to make this distinction, our lives as we
know them could be little more than an endless fantasy. According to some theories, there’s
even the possibility that we’re only extras in someone else’s dream! And, in some ways, it’s an idea that adds
up. In discussing reality, the Oxford University professor Jan Westerhoff calculates that;
assuming eight hours of sleep, and that humans only dream during REM sleep, we get about
1.6 hours of “dream consciousness” every night. Add that to the 16 hours that we’re
seemingly “awake” for, and there’s roughly a 1 in 10 chance that we’re dreaming at
any given moment. And if you think you’re awake because nothing strange is happening,
think again… Because reality appears to follow certain “rules” and consistencies
only until you reach the quantum level – where particles pass through walls like ghosts and
change depending on whether or not people are looking at them. In effect, everything’s
possible, even the apparent impossibilities that play out when we assume we’re dreaming.
So, if you subscribe to the idea, then there’s every chance that reality’s a dream or vice
versa. However, according to various other thinkers,
public figures and scientists – from Elon Musk to Neil deGrasse Tyson – the more likely
scenario is that our reality is a simulation. According to supporters of the theory, our
technology (as we understand it) is now reaching a point where reality is almost indistinguishable
from video games and next-gen media… and it’s a trend which shows no signs of slowing
down. And, if that’s the case, how can we be so sure that the same thing hasn’t already
happened (somewhere else at some other time), and that we’re merely the product of it;
a simulation created by higher beings? In this situation, reality is nothing more
than computer code. You could simply exist the same way a protagonist in a video game
does, thinking he has free will when he’s really being controlled by someone else. In
fact, as quantum mechanics proves that reality only becomes concrete when we decide to observe
it, existing is nothing more than probability before then…. And video games use this exact
trick to save memory capacity by only loading environments when your character enters into
them. Could the same thing be happening in our own lives? Does the supermarket only exist
when we visit it? Are our homes only real once we open the front door? Our worlds are
already kinda similar in the way that they’re composed, with the pixels of video games mirroring
atoms in our own lives. But then, even if our reality is really our
reality and not a simulation, it could still be merely a remembrance of a life that we’re
not actually experiencing right now. It’s theorised that N-Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT,
a powerful hallucinogenic with effects including extreme time dilation, can be released naturally
in our brains when we sleep (in some way explaining our crazy dreamscapes) but also at the moment
before we die. It ties in with the idea that our lives “flash before our eyes” in the
moments before we pass away, but extends it to encompass everything that we think our
lives are – so our experience is actually an incredibly detailed replay rolled out at
our final moments. That would mean that this moment right now doesn’t truly exist, but
only does so in your memory… And that every decision you make has already been made because
your life has already been lived, but your brain is remembering every thought and feeling
that went through your head at the original time, forcing you to re-experience it. In
this way, our true “last moments” could actually be spent realizing that our lives
were really just “flashing before our eyes” the entire time – so the theory goes. Nevertheless, the idea of not truly existing
shouldn’t worry you. If we really don’t exist, it doesn’t alter the way we live
our lives… Because even if they’re false, things like food, water, homes, money and
happiness still feel real. In that sense nothing changes, and we can still live life reliably,
pondering the question of reality but not succumbing to it. Whether or not life is a
dream, a simulation, or even just a memory brought on by a dying brain, you still have
a compelling experience of it. What do you think? Is there anything we missed?
Let us know in the comments, check out these other clips from Unveiled, and make sure you
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Red hair girl

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